Investment banking and markets businesses continue to be critical as corporates and other institutions continue to seek capital and strategic advice. But the industry also sees meaningful challenges from a volatile global economy, regulatory scrutiny, and developments in the digital ecosystem. In response, banks and advisory firms are rethinking their strategies in order to best leverage their key resources — namely capital and talent.
We partner with global banks, regional players, and advisory firms to address their critical talent issues, whether board succession, senior-level hiring, or assessment and development of individual leaders or teams. We have consultants who specialize in sector, product, and senior functional roles, as well as having deep expertise in cross-platform issues resulting from digital innovation. We are able to bring the breadth of our team’s collective expertise to bear in each local context. Culture, model, and market positioning are critical differentiators for each bank or advisory firm, and for each it is a question of having not only the best talent but the right talent.
Building the high-performing teams needed to steer through complex, volatile, and uncertain markets poses particular challenges in terms of strategic talent management. We have been working in the banking and markets sectors for the last decade, through each boom and crisis. We’ve advised on hundreds of successful hiring, succession, and development issues, and bring that collective experience to bear in each unique situation. We welcome the opportunity to help you experience true partnership.